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Juice Bottles

12-Week Peach Project Nutrition

The 12-Week Peach Project Nutrition Package will get you the hourglass shape in 12 weeks. Losing or gaining weight, it doesn't matter, together we will sculpt the curves of your dreams!

Lose or gain

​Growing glutes by gaining, or losing excess body fat by cutting, whatever you want, we make it happen.

Tailored Nutrition plan

This plan is tailored to you specifically to give you more results in the next 12 weeks, than you had in the last 12 years.

Smoothie Guide

Smoothies are the gateway to easy dieting, and you'll get a book full of recipe suggestions.


Clear and easy steps on how to follow the plan, so you don't have to worry 1 second.

100+ Healthy Recipes

Never have a boring "eat the same thing every day" feeling. You'll have inspirations for months!

Grocery List

The list is made to your nutrition plan. Just load the list in your cart and you'll have everything you need. You don't eve have to think about it.

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